Friday, July 17, 2009


this is something that i feel could be a HUGE breakthrough in Taiwan. I wonder if anyone would read it...haha


think about it. Taiwanese people work 12 hour days normally. Working overtime is pretty common, without pay. If people leave work on time, it says to the boss that they're not working hard enough. The pressure of perfect performance in the workplace is too much! This translates into parents having high expectations of their children. There are children that do perform VERY WELL, but then their parents are never satisfied no matter how hard their children try.

the thing is that, even this christian company i know of makes their workers so tired that when they actually have ministry opportunities, they're too busy or tired to actually put any time/effort outside for it. or the expectations are so high that they take whatever "me time" they can get.

or some Christians that actually want to do more with and for the church can't or are struggling bc they're fear losing their jobs.

here's my hope for the workforce:

if Christian foreign people are willing to go to Taiwan to work in management positions and give their workers a chance for a healthy emotional life not just for themselves but also for their children, i really think things could get better. not just set proper expectations, but also to promote the Gospel in the workplace as well.

it's not going to be easy. many people are capable of taking advantage of grace, but i truly think this could work wonders with God's blessing, of course.

what do you think?